daniela, muehlheim, danielamühlheim, ladybird, exploring, earth, abundance, grapevines, vineyard, wine

Grapevines over the seasons

Cheers :0)! Well, the wine in today’s header has a special meaning.
In February last year, I started a series on the mind-boggling growth of grapevines over the seasons and what you see in the header is the result of a year’s hard work, patience, knowledge, dedication, passion, and the magic nature presents us with throughout.

This post marks the end of that series, though. In December, I told you to give you a summary of how the development of grapevines looks like when photographs of different seasons come side by side.

Did you follow this series 2019 and are you now curious to see the remarkable explosion of growth once more? You are most welcome to marvel at it today.

Have you missed out on it? I am so sorry, but of course, you can go and see it all now :-). Just click on each month below. You can certainly imagine that it makes most sense to begin with February. Proceed with March, then April, MayJune, July, August, September, October, December. Have fun!

I was taken aback once again, when putting these film strip collages together for you. Nature is simply amazing.

daniela, muehlheim, danielamühlheim, ladybird, exploring, earth, abundance, grapevines, vineyard, wine

Vineyards love warm dry weather, so they take their time in spring until they start to grow. Only in April do the buds develop, at least here in Switzerland.

daniela, muehlheim, danielamühlheim, ladybird, exploring, earth, abundance, grapevines, vineyard, wine

Once they are open and weather permitting, they grow fast, however. In May, the shoots are up to a half meter long, in July (third pic from right) the vineyard looks like a grapevine jungle if the wine grower leaves them grow almost freely as did the one I visited for this series. An organic wine grower, by the way.

daniela, muehlheim, danielamühlheim, ladybird, exploring, earth, abundance, grapevines, vineyard, wine
Four seasons in the vineyard. 

No need to say that the surrounding plants, as the linden tree below (one of many on the farm), are photogenic as well and make a nice subject for the course of the seasons too.

daniela, muehlheim, danielamühlheim, ladybird, exploring, earth, abundance, grapevines, vineyard, wine

Last but not least, the transformation of the grapevines from dormancy, over the growth of buds and the development of leaves to the formation of flowers and the ultimate production of fruits is a spectacle of its own kind if you ask me.
You must know this also means going from freezing temperatures with snow and ice over dry and very hot summer months to a possible foggy and cool humid autumn. Then back to winter again to start the circle all over.

daniela, muehlheim, danielamühlheim, ladybird, exploring, earth, abundance, grapevines, vineyard, wine

Breathtaking, don’t you agree?
You see pics (from left to right) from December, March, April (two images), May, June (two images), July, August, September, October.

Take it in and hopefully my series sparks an interest in you to watch more closely this year as nature unfolds. And I hope, thereby, nature lets you stand in awe more often. Take care of yourself and the living world you are surrounded with.

Thank YOU,



      1. Dear Rhapsody, I plan to post your story with the 92 years old man and his wisdom of that special account tomorrow Sunday. Of course, I refer to your blog, give your name, and the original author‘s, as I found his name after a little research. It is the first time I do something like that, but I find it so inspiring and wish that many people can read it and take something away for themselves. I sincerely hope that is okay for you 🙏🏼. Big hug over the ocean 💫🌟💫

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Of course it is and I am honored I was able to bring this reminder about this wonderful story to you. I am so glad you found the original author and again feel honored this has moved you to doing something you never have done and be a part of it. Thank you so much and have a blessed weekend. Heading over to your blog later today. Hugs

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thank you so very much 💫✨💫. It will go online tomorrow Sunday morning CET. You should receive a pingback as far as I understand the mechanism. But of course I can gladly also send you the link to my post.
        Enjoy a hopefully lovely and calm weekend, too. Love, Daniela 💝

        Liked by 1 person

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