A year of blogging

Dearest reader

Today, I would simply like to sincerely thank you for being on this journey with me! Already a year has passed since I started out on this new adventure. Can you believe it? I am very grateful for you – the people I meet in this digital space and those I can luckily also be in touch with offline. You delight me with your beautiful comments through all possible channels, your likes and visits!

I love what I do here and should self-doubt creep in – which it does from time to time asking me whether I am sure somebody out there is interested in what I see and tell – I fall back on imagining your faces and hearts and then trust swiftly finds its place again.

Merci viu mau, grazie mille, ndewo, merci beaucoup, thanks a million, webale nnyo, dankie, vielen Dank, ajo, muchas gracias, mamnun, kea leboga, shukran, afoyo mateke, danke tuusig!

Below are some of the most visited, liked, or commented posts of this first year of my blogging for you (just click on the words in blue, they are linked). In total, you can now find 47 posts on my website :-).

Are you new here today? Thank you for coming by. Maybe you first want to read about me and why I do what I do here. Welcome!

Cheers dearest readers and here is to the coming years and the exploring of the wonderful Earth’s abundance!

With love and gratitude,


Daniela Famara 2017
Embarking on a new adventure. Read here how it all started.
ladybird, earth, exploring, daniela, mühlheim, danielamühlheim, nature, photography, travel
See how some of the photos came into existence ;0)
Celebrating Nowruz
Find stories from Persian tea culture and the beginning of a new year called Nowruz on March 20
Hairdressers 4
over African Hair Salons where you would the least expect it…
A stroll in the Lavaux 23
to a glass of wine in the stunningly situated vineyards in the Lavaux/Switzerland.

Switzerland of course takes up many posts as it is where I come from and am based:

The green, mind-boggling, and beautiful Jura
The ever amazing Ticino
The mesmerizing cherry and apple trees bloom in Basel
The new monthly series on grapevines (see February here and March here) in Zurich
The winter in the Alps

In this first twelve months, we met a blind man in the Dirty Dancing musical, chatted with a 89 year old lady in the gym, were overjoyed to see the ladies in the Rwenzori Mountains making a difference in their families and communities, and were saddened to learn that a conservationist had to flee his home country Madagascar.

Last but not least, there are some posts with fun zoological content as me being a biologist had to share with you :0). Natural Glitter is about a dune tiger beetle, be surprised by its amazing beauty! Or see who Rhyssa is and get to know her better. Watch a hummingbird fly, wait it is not a bird at all…




  1. Liebe Daniela,
    herzlichen Glückwunsch zu einem wunderbaren und kunterbunten Bloggerjahr. Ich habe es geliebt, bei jedem neuen Post in diese zauberhafte Bilder- und Geschichten-Oase eintauchen zu dürfen und zwischendurch auch “einfach so” vorbeizukommen und ein bisschen zu “schneuggen”, einzelne Artikel noch einmal zu lesen oder die herrlichen Bildergalerien erneut durchzublättern. Danke vielmals für ein Jahr voller geteilter Freude an diesem schönen Ort im Internet.
    Ich werde weiterhin gerne hier vorbeischauen und freue mich darauf, noch viel Neues und Spannendes zu verfolgen und auf weitere LadyBird-Abenteuer mitgenommen werden zu dürfen. Merci tuusig und auch künftig allzeit viel Spass beim Bloggen.

    Liked by 1 person

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